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Try These Mood Boosters in Your Law Life

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Some wellness tips for the winter.

Lawyers with bad attitudes aren’t just unhappy campers – they’re putting their practices at risk.

“The number of unhappy lawyers is rising,” says lawyer and certified health coach Jamie Spannhake. “The current state of the world is jeopardizing nearly all our fundamental needs.”

Spannhake offers five simple things you can do today – at zero cost – to boost your mood.

As a benefit of a Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance policy underwritten by Alta Professional Insurance Services, policyholders are automatically enrolled in the Alta Pro Lawyers Risk Purchasing Group (Alta Pro RPG). They have access to our exclusive policyholder-only services. The Alta Pro RPG website is intended to be a resource for independent agents, insured attorneys, insured paralegals/staff, and the general public.

Mood booster #1: Go outside for some exercise. Even better: ask a friend or workmate to join you. You’ll get a triple benefit from the (1) exercise-induced endorphins, (2) sunshine and fresh air, and (3) social contact.

Mood booster #2: Take a Facebook break. “The use of social media is linked to loneliness and feelings of social isolation,” says Spannhake. “Social media is largely an exercise is comparing ourselves to others. It’s been said that ‘comparison is the thief of joy.’ Add to that the misinformation and fearmongering that are often present on social media, and we have platforms that make us feel worse, not better.”

Mood booster #3: Turn off the news. We’ve all experienced it. One glance at the latest headlines makes our hearts pound and spirits plunge. If you can’t go a day without watching the news, try confining your consumption to a specified block of time in the morning or afternoon. Stop watching a few hours before bedtime.

Mood booster #4: Practice meditation and quieting your mind. Start slowly, maybe five minutes in the morning.

Mood booster #5: Celebrate small wins. Lawyers like being in charge, but much of life is beyond our control. “Each day, focus on what you can control, which might include what time you wake up, what you eat, how much you exercise, when you schedule conference calls, and what you wear,” suggests Spannhake. “When we focus on all the decisions that we make each day, and how much control we have in many situations, we begin to feel more empowered. This sense of empowerment gives us self-confidence and reduces stress. The same is true when we cherish the everyday moments, like seeing a hummingbird, or watching our child learn to ride a bike, or hearing the sound of a favorite wine being poured into a glass.”

Bottom line: “It’s not what you look at that matters; it’s what you see.” (Henry David Thoreau)

Source: Attorney at Work

Alta Professional Insurance Services Agency, LLC, (Alta Pro) provides innovative, intelligent, professional insurance underwriting, claims, risk management, product development, and sales and marketing services to our clients using state of the art information technology. Alta Pro adheres to the highest standards of ethics and integrity to achieve superior results for our clients. Led by experienced program administrators who know their clients’ insureds and the carriers’ appetites, Alta Pro continues to expand our program offerings across the U.S. 

COMMENT: Self-awareness is key to wellbeing.

COMMENT: Self-awareness is key to wellbeing.

COMMENT: Self-awareness is key to wellbeing.

ACTION STEP: Share this Alta Pro Wellbeing Audit with your team.

ACTION STEP: Share this Alta Pro Wellbeing Audit with your team.

ACTION STEP: Share this Alta Pro Wellbeing Audit with your team.

COMMENT: It’s one thing to talk about wellbeing. It takes intention and action to actually do something about it.

COMMENT: It’s one thing to talk about wellbeing. It takes intention and action to actually do something about it.

COMMENT: It’s one thing to talk about wellbeing. It takes intention and action to actually do something about it.

ACTION STEP: Register for our upcoming free CLE webinar Take Control of Your Wellbeing. Bring the whole office. Free wellness for everyone!

ACTION STEP: Register for our upcoming free CLE webinar Take Control of Your Wellbeing. Bring the whole office. Free wellness for everyone!

ACTION STEP: Register for our upcoming free CLE webinar Take Control of Your Wellbeing. Bring the whole office. Free wellness for everyone!

COMMENT: What happens at work affects what happens at home, and vice versa.

COMMENT: What happens at work affects what happens at home, and vice versa.

COMMENT: What happens at work affects what happens at home, and vice versa.

ACTION STEP: Calendar dates of family birthdays, anniversaries, school activities, sports events and special occasions alongside important work items.

ACTION STEP: Calendar dates of family birthdays, anniversaries, school activities, sports events and special occasions alongside important work items.

ACTION STEP: Calendar dates of family birthdays, anniversaries, school activities, sports events and special occasions alongside important work items.

COMMENT: 75 percent of employees in law firms have experienced job stress in the past 12 months.

COMMENT: 75 percent of employees in law firms have experienced job stress in the past 12 months.

COMMENT: 75 percent of employees in law firms have experienced job stress in the past 12 months.

ACTION STEP: See where you land on the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale.

ACTION STEP: See where you land on the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale.

ACTION STEP: See where you land on the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale.

COMMENT: Meeting the demands and expectations of clients is a leading stressor in the law.

COMMENT: Meeting the demands and expectations of clients is a leading stressor in the law.

COMMENT: Meeting the demands and expectations of clients is a leading stressor in the law.

ACTION STEP: Create and implement a Client Feedback Program for 2024.

ACTION STEP: Create and implement a Client Feedback Program for 2024.

ACTION STEP: Create and implement a Client Feedback Program for 2024.

COMMENT: Just 11 minutes of exercise a day can significantly increase your life span, says this 2020 study.

COMMENT: Just 11 minutes of exercise a day can significantly increase your life span, says this 2020 study.

COMMENT: Just 11 minutes of exercise a day can significantly increase your life span, says this 2020 study.

ACTION STEP: In 2024, reduce your time staring at a screen and increase your time breathing, exercising and moving your body.

ACTION STEP: In 2024, reduce your time staring at a screen and increase your time breathing, exercising and moving your body.

ACTION STEP: In 2024, reduce your time staring at a screen and increase your time breathing, exercising and moving your body.

COMMENT: Practicing law can be isolating. Stay connected with friends, hobbies, sports, church and neighborhood.

COMMENT: Practicing law can be isolating. Stay connected with friends, hobbies, sports, church and neighborhood.

COMMENT: Practicing law can be isolating. Stay connected with friends, hobbies, sports, church and neighborhood.

ACTION STEP: Select a new civic group or professional organization to join in 2024.

ACTION STEP: Select a new civic group or professional organization to join in 2024.

ACTION STEP: Select a new civic group or professional organization to join in 2024.

COMMENT: Law firm employees – especially younger ones – value firm culture and job satisfaction more than salary.

COMMENT: Law firm employees – especially younger ones – value firm culture and job satisfaction more than salary.

COMMENT: Law firm employees – especially younger ones – value firm culture and job satisfaction more than salary.

ACTION STEP: Hold a Firm Retreat in 2024.

ACTION STEP: Hold a Firm Retreat in 2024.

ACTION STEP: Hold a Firm Retreat in 2024.

COMMENT: Many state and local bar associations offer confidential counseling and Lawyer Assistance Programs.

COMMENT: Many state and local bar associations offer confidential counseling and Lawyer Assistance Programs.

COMMENT: Many state and local bar associations offer confidential counseling and Lawyer Assistance Programs.

ACTION STEP: Make a list of available health and wellness resources. Share it with your team.

ACTION STEP: Make a list of available health and wellness resources. Share it with your team.

ACTION STEP: Make a list of available health and wellness resources. Share it with your team.

COMMENT: You only get one ride on this merry-go-round; make the most of it!

COMMENT: You only get one ride on this merry-go-round; make the most of it!

COMMENT: You only get one ride on this merry-go-round; make the most of it!

ACTION STEP: Today do one thing just for fun – and just for yourself.

ACTION STEP: Today do one thing just for fun – and just for yourself.

ACTION STEP: Today do one thing just for fun – and just for yourself.

How did you do?

Your scorecard will appear here.


You Scored: 0

You’re doing great! Keep it up!


You Scored: 0

What areas of your life can be strengthened?


You Scored: 0

Get serious about self-care in 2024.


Give yourself 1 point for every A answer, 2 points for every B, and 3 points for every C.

10-15: You’re doing great! Keep it up!
16-24: What areas of your life can be strengthened?
25+: Get serious about self-care in 2024.

How would you rate your general wellbeing? On most days, do you feel healthy, happy and capable? Or hurried, harried and worn out? Find out on Thursday, December 14 at 12 noon CT for our free, one-hour CLE webinar: “Take Control of Your Well-being.” This is the fourth annual installment of our popular Lawyer Wellness webinar. Back by popular demand as presenter is the sensational Colleen Byers, JD, a seasoned litigator, mediator, legal educator, certified yoga instructor, and 2020 North Carolina Lawyer of the Year. Colleen’s tips and encouragement will help you finish 2023 strong and start 2024 off right! Register here for “Take Control of Your Well-being.” Free! Just one of many benefits available to members of the Alta Pro Lawyers Risk Purchasing Group (RPG). Learn more here.


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