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Pre-Claim Hotline

Quick Facts

For pre-claim scenario, call: (833) 830-6269

For claim scenario, contact your agent, or report directly:

c/o AmTrust North America, 233 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1000, Chicago IL 60601

Attn: Specialty Programs Claim Department


Fax:  (877) 207-3961

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Home > Member Resources > Risk Management Hotline

What to do in the event of a claim

Having to report a claim is never fun, and many lawyers hesitate to ask for help because they are not sure the issue rises to the level of a claim, or they are embarrassed, or angry at the unfairness of it all, or concerned about the impact on their insurance premium. As a member of the Alta Pro Lawyers RPG, you do not have to navigate this process alone. We are here to help! Our goal is your peace of mind.

We advise you to answer these questions and respond accordingly

Claim Scenario

QUESTION:  Have you been served with or made aware of:

  • A complaint?
  • A letter or email threatening to file a complaint for legal malpractice?
  • A letter or email expressing dissatisfaction with your legal services?
  • A letter or email demanding compensation in the form or money or legal services?

ANSWER:  A yes response to any of the above meets the definition of claim and should be reported to the company  as soon as possible. You can report directly or contact your agent for assistance. Include a description of the specific act or omission, the dates, the persons involved, the identity of the claimant(s), and the circumstances by which you first became aware of the possible claim and send by mail, fax or email to:

c/o AmTrust North America

233 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1000

Chicago IL 60601

Attn: AUI Claim Department

Fax:  (877) 207-3961

Pre-claim Scenario

QUESTION:  Are you experiencing any of the following:

  • Your client has expressed unhappiness with or is refusing to pay your fees.
  • A breakdown in communication with your client.
  • You’ve become aware of a conflict of interest or the potential for conflict of interest.
  • Your personal circumstances may be interfering with your ability to do your best work.
  • Your client is being unreasonable or is asking you to take on a matter outside of your expertise.
  • You’ve become aware of an error.


ANSWER:  A yes response to any of the above raises a red flag, and you should take advantage of your exclusive member access to pre-claim assistance from experienced defense attorneys. This resource just may help you to prevent a potential claim from becoming a full blown claim. 

Pre-claim Assistance

Reminger Alta Pro PROLINK Legal Hotline - Available 24/7 - (833) 830-6269

This exclusive member resource provides you with access to a knowledgeable attorney with expertise in professional liability who can counsel you if you think you may have a potential claim.  If you have an unhappy or difficult client who is threatening to make a claim, or if you become aware of an error you made in providing legal services, contacting the ProLink Legal Hotline is your first step.  This resource just may help you prevent a potential claim from becoming a full blown claim.

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