Here’s hoping you are enjoying your summertime with family and friends. But if you’ve been having a little too much fun in the sun and you’ve let some normally healthy habits slide, you’re in luck.
This post will provide some easy tips for getting your wellbeing on track.
Tip #1: Plan to attend our annual Wellness Webinar in December 2023. Since we launched our lawyer wellbeing series three years ago, it has become one of our most popular offerings. Plan to attend this year’s program. The exact date in December has not been set yet, so stay tuned.
It’s a good way deal with the busyness of the holidays, earn CLE credit, and start the New Year.
Are you stressed out when you leave the office each day? Do you have trouble maintaining peak energy? Amygdala hijack might be the culprit. You would know more if you attended Alta Pro’s wellness webinar last December, which covered this and other cutting-edge topics of lawyer well-being. Our annual end-of-year Wellness Webinar has become a don’t-miss event for Alta Pro insureds. Stay tuned for details on this year’s program. Our free lunch-hour programs – which feature nationally-recognized experts offering practical tips and guidance on crucial issues affecting the legal industry – are just one of the many benefits available to you as a member of the Alta Pro Risk Purchasing Group (RPG). You may be eligible for regular Pro Practice e-Alerts, the Pro Practice Blog, Reminger Law’s ProLink risk hotline, discounts on CLIO practice management software, free consultations with the Risk Pro and more – without even knowing it. Register here and start enjoying your Alta Pro RPG benefits.
Five Easy Self-Care Pointers
“Want to reduce stress and boost your physical and mental health almost immediately?” says this article from CNN. “Take a breathing break. Simply pause and spend a few minutes taking long, deep breaths in and out of your nose.”
Other pointers:
Move your body. Just 11 minutes of exercise a day can increase your life span, says this 2020 study. Pretty much any type of movement counts.
Make a social connection. “Take five minutes to feel seen and heard each day — and return the favor for someone else,” says CNN. Avoid isolation. Zoom meetups are better than none at all.
Stock up on healthy foods. Have fruits, veggies and healthy snacks available instead of sugary sweets and chips.
Go for a walk. You’ll get out of your head and into nature, which is always affirming.
Here is a CNN seven-part guide that will help you ease into a healthy routine, backed by experts.
SOURCE: 5 healthy habits that are easy to add to your day | CNN
Are you taking advantage of the many benefits available to you as a member of the Alta Pro Risk Purchasing Group (RPG)? Free, cutting-edge CLE webinars on hot topics from Cannabis Law to Emerging Cyber Threats. Pro Practice e-Alerts delivered straight to your in-box with breaking news for solos and small firms. Premium content – including forms, roadmaps and checklists – available 24/7 at the Pro Practice Blog and Pro Practice Playbook on the RPG website. Prompt, confidential assistance with problem cases from Reminger Law claims prevention. Practice management assistance from The Risk Pro. Discounts on CLIO software products and tax savings on health insurance plans. These tools and resources – and more like them – have real, practical value. More important, they are actually used by hundreds of law firms nationwide to stay safe and successful. Get with the RPG program! Click here to start accessing your benefits.