Sometimes the best risk management advice is the simplest:
Return telephone calls. Finish your work on time. Treat your clients as you want to be treated.
The “simplest is best” philosophy was evident in a recent hotel stay in Greenville, SC. The hotel uses swipe keycards for entry to guest rooms and elevators. In an idle moment I happened to turn my keycard over. On the back – in tiny print – were the following instructions:
- Touch keycard to lens to unlock door / elevator
- For Your Safety: Use safety deposit for valuables
- Secure deadbolt and doorguard when in room
- Use viewport to identify all visitors
- Employees are require to wear name tags
- Safeguard and keep your keycard with you at all times
- Ensure that all windows and doors are locked
My guess is few guests ever notice these instructions on their back of their keycards, much less read them. It was the first time I did.
The keycard accomplishes three key things:
- It gives guests good, solid safety advice.
- It shows the hotel cares enough to take the time to print said advice.
- It notifies guests of potential risks and empowers them with simple ways to protect themselves.
Do you know one simple step that will reduce your risk of wire fraud to near zero? Can you name the Three C’s of Law Firm Branding? Do you understand how amygdala hijack might be sabotaging your law practice? You would know the answers to these and other important questions if you attended our recent CLE webinars. These free lunch-hour programs – which feature nationally-recognized experts offering practical tips and guidance on crucial issues affecting the legal industry – are just one of the many benefits available to you as a member of the Alta Pro Risk Purchasing Group (RPG). You may be eligible for regular Pro Practice e-Alerts, the Pro Practice Blog, Reminger Law’s ProLink risk hotline, discounts on CLIO practice management software, free consultations with the Risk Pro and more – without even knowing it. Register here and start enjoying your Alta Pro RPG benefits.