Alta Pro RPG doesn’t ask just anybody to speak at our lunchtime CLE webinars.
We invite the cream of the crop. Like cybersecurity lawyers Kevin O’Hagan and Jamey Davidson, go-to counsel for cyber litigation, ransomware negotiations and malpractice defense.
And Colleen Byers, formerly a top litigator, now a yoga instructor, amateur neuroscientist and in-demand CLE speaker on lawyer wellness.
Calendar alert: Back by popular demand, Colleen Byers is returning as guest presenter for our annual year-end wellness webinar, Take Control of Your Wellbeing, on December 14. Register here.
The trend of top-flight speaker talent continues this month, with our September 27 webinar Creating an Attorney Compensation Plan That Will Build Firm Culture and Attract Top Talent, which will feature Camille Stell and Brenda Barnes, who wrote the book on designing compensation plans for law firms. Register here.
Do you have a Law Firm Compensation Plan? Without one, you’re hampering the success of your practice. An effective and equitable pay structure will increase firm productivity, reduce turnover and boost office morale. It will help you recruit and retain the highest caliber of legal talent. And it will allow you to provide consistently excellent client service. Join us on September 27 for the CLE webinar, Creating an Attorney Compensation Plan That Will Build Firm Culture and Attract Top Talent, and learn how to design and develop a compensation plan that’s right for your practice – whether you’re building one from scratch or updating an existing plan. This free, one-hour CLE will be taught by two of the country’s top authorities on law firm economics, Brenda A. Barnes and Camille Stell, co-authors of the book RESPECT: An Insight to Attorney Compensation. Don’t miss this latest installment in Alta Pro’s highly popular, cutting-edge CLE webinar series. Register now!
Cybersecurity In Your Practice
Below are summaries of the four webinars we have presented to date on Cybersecurity in the Law Office:
Cybersecurity Chapter One: 10 Things You Should Know About Cybersecurity
Presentation date: March 31, 2020
Presenters: Kevin O’Hagan and Jamey Davidson, partners at O’Hagan Meyer
“Just about anybody who runs a business is a target. But law firms are particularly vulnerable. We’ve seen the threat of cyber-crime grow steadily over the past 15 years. If you follow the money, you see why law firms are targets. Cyber criminals aren’t interested in vandalism. They’re interested in money.”
“Some of the three of four most prevalent types of claims we’re seeing affect not only the 250-lawyer firms but the on-lawyer and two-lawyer firms.”
Cybersecurity Chapter Two: Cybersecurity Awareness for Lawyers
Presentation date: June 18, 2020
Presenter: Erich Kron, Security Awareness Training Director, KnowBe4
“I find a lot of firms are kind of aware of cybersecurity but haven’t really thought about, ‘how prepared am I?”
“Even when the criminals are after information, ultimately they’re after money. And they’re still after money when you’re working from home.”
“Social engineering is the practice of getting people to do something by using our humanity against us.”
Cybersecurity Chapter Three: Putting Cybersecurity to Work in Your Practice
Presentation date: September 17, 2020
Presenter: Kevin O’Hagan, founder of O’Hagan Meyer
“Only 25 percent of firms have a formal Incident Response Plan, and these are mostly large firms. Only 9 percent of solo practices have a plan.”
“Things to include in your Incident Response Plan: procedures for initial reporting of an incident; methods for confirming the incident; process for investigation of the incident; compliance with ethical duties; restoration of electronic data; notification of clients and other affected parties as appropriate.”
“Assemble a cross-disciplinary response team. The team might include everyone from IT professionals to a PR firm. Train the response team on breach reporting obligations, mitigation requirements and the steps needed for recovery. Always conduct a post-incident review. Afterwards, revise your Incident Response Plan to incorporate all lessons learned.”
Law Office Cybersecurity Best Practices 2021
Presentation date: March 23, 2021
Presenters: Jamey Davidson, Partner, O’Hagan Meyer and Nathan Little, Tetra Defense
“Cyber crime has skyrocketed since February 2020. There has been a 75 percent increase in daily digital crimes, according to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center. More than 200,000 newly registered fraudulent websites and malicious domains – many designed to mimic official public websites, government portals, banks and other targets – were identified by Interpol’s Global Malicious Domain Taskforce in June 2020.”
“Nearly 140,000 reports of online retail fraud were made to the US Federal Trade Commission from January 1 through June 30, 2020 – almost as many as in all of 2019. More than 570,000 reports of identity theft were made to the FTC in that same period—also almost as many as in all of last year—as ‘criminals took advantage of the unfolding economic downturn and people’s general anxiety about the pandemic to exploit them for their personal information, credit-card numbers and banking details.’”
“New social engineering and email phishing scams exploit fear and confusion about COVID, vaccines, economic concerns, Paycheck Protection Loans, etc. A remote workforce brings new risks.”
Alta Pro RPG now offers Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance in 15 states: Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas or Wisconsin? Membership in the Alta Pro Lawyers Risk Purchasing Group (RPG) offers a wealth of benefits for your practice: free, cutting-edge CLE webinars featuring top experts tackling timely topics; the Pro Practice Playbook; the Pro Practice Blog; Reminger’s ProLink risk management assistance; Reminger’s Claim Repair Hotline; discounts on CLIO practice management software; tax savings on health insurance; and access to the Risk Pro, to keep your firm safe and successful. Click here to learn more about Alta Pro RPG benefits.