Whether your law firm survives or sinks in the wake of a cyber attack may come down to one question: do you have Cyber Liability Insurance?
Cyber Liability Insurance, sometimes called cyber coverage or cyber risk insurance, provides financial protection for your firm in the event of a data breach or cyber event.
With the right policy in place, you can recover for losses you directly incur – such as damage to your computer system or the cost of restoring your data – and be protected against claims brought by your clients or other third parties for damages they might have incurred.
Alta Pro Insurance is pleased to offer industry-leading, competitively priced cyber liability coverage in multiple states with an “A” rated insurance carrier.
For a free, no obligation quote, or to learn more about Cyber Liability Insurance, contact Alta Pro Insurance today.
Think You’re Not a Target?
Think again. Almost two-thirds of all cyber attacks are launched at small and mid-sized firms, according to this survey. And the average cost of a small business data breach is more than $85,000, says this report.
Law firms are especially tempting targets. Cyber thieves know firms have a trove of sensitive client data like financial records and Social Security Numbers, and that there may be significant funds in the client trust account. Hackers also see law firms as conduits to larger fish like banks and corporations.
If you use email or cloud data storage, you’re susceptible to an attack. If you have one or more employees, you’re susceptible. If you accept credit cards or online payments, you’re susceptible.
Protect yourself through Cyber Liability Insurance.
Alta Pro Cyber Programs
Alta Pro offers two cyber liability products: “SafeLaw” and “CyberProtect.”
SafeLaw is for any size law firm, insured with any carrier, and offers the most 1st and 3rd party coverage. SafeLaw coverage now includes coverage for cyber crimes including ransomware, extortion, and fraudulent funds wite transfer losses.
CyberProtect is an exclusive cyber liability program available only to our Wesco insureds for solo firms up to five member firms.
For both programs, we work with specialized underwriters. We help you make a complicated product line simple to understand.
17 Program Highlights
- Privacy/Security Liability (on and off line)
- Regulatory Proceeding Defense and Penalties
- Attorney Services
- Forensic Costs
- Public Relations and Crisis Management Costs
- Payment Card Industry Fines and Costs
- Website Media Content Liability
- Notification Costs and Credit/Identity Monitoring Services
- Includes Foreign Notification
- Includes Voluntary Notification
- Broad Definition of Insured Including Independent Contractors
- Coverage for Electronic, Paper Data and Third Party Corporate Information
- Punitive Damages Where Insurable By Law
- True Worldwide Coverage
- Coverage for Employee Claims for Privacy Law Violations
- Coverage for Criminal Acts by Rogue Employees
- Breach of Contract Exclusion Carve-Back for Failure to Maintain Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information and Private Third Party Corporate Information
Coverage Options
- Limits up to $10,000,000
- Network Extortion Threat Coverage
- Data Asset Recovery Costs
- Business Interruption Loss and Extra
In the event of an actual or suspected cyber risk incident, our nationwide network of technical and legal experts is available 24/7. Call the SafeLaw and CyberProtect “Data Breach Hotline” 855-247-4710.
There are also additional pre and post breach resources on the Breach Navigator Website. Also available is Jamey Davidson with O’Hagan/Meyer. He handles intake and breach response coordination and can be reached directly at 312-422-6148, or jdavidson@ohaganmeyer.com.
Ready to make sure your firm is fully protected? Contact Alta Pro Insurance today.