You certainly don’t need to be told that these are stressful times, but you and your team might need a reminder of some simple ways to relieve that stress.
After all, law firms are dealing with a quadruple whammy:
- The financial and health pressures caused by COVID;
- The problem of maintaining balance at work and home, aggravated by school closings, remote learning and caring for elderly and ill relatives;
- Running the office; and
- Taking care of clients.
Temporary relief might be a simple as a dozen sit-ups, a quick tidying of the office, or getting out a piece of paper and doodling.
“Having a toolbox of different techniques ready to go when you realize you’re stressed is really important,” says one stress expert in this article.
One instant stress reliever is to maintain professional liability coverage through Alta Pro. All insured lawyers get access to the Pro Practice Playbook, which is chock-full of tips for running your office, managing your files, and keeping your practice safe and successful.
Following are 10 stress relievers that will take 10 minutes or less and will work well in the law office. Make it fun by writing these ideas on a whiteboard in the break room. Encourage your staff to add to the list.
The ideas are from the Good Housekeeping article; all quotes are from the article’s author, Stephanie Dolgoff.
- A quick burst of exercise.Jumping jacks, sit-ups or a brisk walk around the office will raise your heart rate and activate mood-elevating neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin.
- Give yourself a massage. Stimulating sensory receptors in the skin will send messages of relaxation to the brain. “It also makes you more aware of where in your body you’re feeling tense, so you can consciously relax those areas, she adds. Some good spots are that big ropy muscle at the front of your neck, your shoulders, the hinge of your jaw, and pressure points in the palm of your hand.”
- Focus on solving a problem. Tackling a discrete task will focus the brain and distract it from the stress. It can be anything from doing a crossword puzzle to organizing a case file.
- Share hobbies. Encourage staff to bring a favorite hobby – like knitting or art – to the office. Share it with others on the team who may be interested in learning.
- Order in pizza. Nothing beats stress like comfort food.
- Do yoga or simply stretch. Spring for yoga mats for everybody. Put on music, do it as a group, and make it fun.
- Schedule silent time. Set aside a room or private space in the office where people can go to meditate, unwind, or simply be quiet for a few minutes.
- Do a quick-clean in the office. Studies show that cleaning or tidying your physical environment has multiple stress-reducing benefits. Do it mindfully for greater benefit.
- Doodle. Simply putting your pen to paper and letting it go has been shown to boost creativity and enhance calmness.
- Read. Start a book group in the office. Ask members of your team to suggest favorite titles. Spend a few minutes either reading quietly or discussing the book together.
Alta Pro Insurance Services can help keep your practice strong and viable during these uncertain times. When you have professional liability coverage with Alta Pro, you’re automatically enrolled in the Alta Pro Lawyers RPG, which gives you access to a broad range of benefits, including the Pro Practice Playbook, Ask the Risk Pro, Reminger ProLink, discounts on Clio cloud software and much more. Here’s how to join.